Nestled in the heart of the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Northern California, this small family cattery began with the love and fascination of the Maine Coon, who are dubbed, “the dog of the cat world”. They are sweet, smart, adventurous, loving, affectionate and down right silly, they are sure to put a smile on your face! Freedom Mountain Maine Coons come from 100% European Maine Coon champion lines and have been imported directly from Russia. The difference between a European Maine Coon and an American Maine Coon can be noticed in their physical appearance. European Maine Coons have stronger muzzles and chins, as well as taller ears with lynx-like tips. They also have a more wild appearance, while American Maine Coons have a softer, more refined look. European Maine Coons also have extra-long and bushy tails, high cheekbones, and big, square muzzles accompanied by their piercing, almond-shaped eyes. Freedom Mountain Maine Coons is proud to produce healthy, good-tempered, and true to the type of the European Maine Coon kittens.Â